We are conditioned to hold each other down. I find it to be amazing how foreign real kindness and sincerity is to people. If someone wants to give you something, you assume they are trying to sabotage you. You scrutinize the gift as if it was tainted or poisoned. Likewise, when your neighbors and people around you succeed, we are jealous and envious. We spew venom of hatred from our lips toward that person because we are sullen that we have not received. We are glowering because we are living a life of poverty, lack, restriction and emptiness. We are like crabs in a barrel, clinging to the heels of any one who looks promising. You are blocking your own blessing by hoarding around all that negativity and scum.
I am going to free your mind of that mentality by revealing the absurdity behind jealousy and envy. Look at it this way…Everything that God has for you, is for you. There isn’t anything you can do to mess it up or take it away. No matter what anyone else receives in life, God has a special box of treasures for you. It’s pointless to be jealous or wish for the treasures of another when you have your own to retrieve. We tend to think that when someone prospers, there is less available for us. We feel like we are missing out. We see limits and boundaries in our minds. Well, let’s get this straight once and for all. The world is not going to run out of things for you to indulge in. There is no lack. There are no limits. All of those parameters are false constraints of the mind, set in place by the enemy so you never receive God’s best for your life.
We are all surrounding the Christmas tree waiting for a gift with our name on it. Just because it isn’t your turn doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty gifts waiting for you. So what that Jane got a pony. Why be mad at Jane for getting what she wanted? You need to focus on the things that you want. A pony isn’t going to make you happy. That is why it’s Jane’s. You can’t gain any pleasure from obtaining another person’s treasures, so neither should you amass bitterness just because they are receiving. Take faith, you have presents with your name on them specifically. Treasures that will give you more happiness than anything you could ever have obtained in this lifetime. That is because they are specially made to make you happy. See friends, there is really no point to ever be jealous or envious of another. You are special, and you have special desires and pleasures. Make no mistake, God wants to fulfill every desire you have. So, stop craving someone else’s vanilla, when you really want your own chocolate.
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