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We Must Guard Our Minds

Rarely do we think when we wake up in the morning that we are getting ready for battle.  We don’t think we need a sword, shield, and breast plate to drive down the street and go to work.  We are running to Starbucks, not running to fight a war, right?  Wrong.  Unfortunately, friends we are always under attack.  We need to always stay on our toes and keep our minds alert to the ploys of the enemy.  Ok, before I go any further, let me distinguish the real from the fake.  Not everyone has to worry about being attacked by the enemy.  Some of you are working in cooperation with the enemy.  If there isn’t anything in your life that is devoted to glorifying God, the enemy doesn’t even need to attack you because you’re not a threat.  If your life is not an expression of love, you are just sitting on the bench.  You are not even in the game, so why would the opponent be worried about you?  Therefore, those of us who are living purposefully, intentionally to put a smile on God’s face, let us prepare for our victorious battle.

All around us are traps for us to fall into and discourage us from joyful living.  There is a perpetual veil that hinders us from seeing with clarity the truth of God.  That veil is what the enemy uses to distract and deter us from reaching the Promised Land. Whatever is keeping you from having a powerful, personal relationship with God is definitely a pitfall of the enemy.  Think about it.  God desires to be in companionship with you at all times.  Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear, for I am with you…”  Matthew 1:23 says we shall call him Emmanuel, which means, God with us.  Joshua 1:9 says, “The Lord thy God is with you, wherever you go.” 

There is so much untapped power within you.   You don’t even know what you’re capable of.  Try taking God at his Word.  Take what He says at face value and walk in His Power.  The armor of God will protect you when negative thoughts creep in your mind to steal your joy.  When the enemy tells you that you are not good enough for that job, or beautiful enough to score that man/woman, or smart enough to be a CEO, that is when we have to remind ourselves that we are at war in our minds.  The devil doesn’t want us to feel good about ourselves, or to gain any confidence in our abilities because that is how he keeps us from attempting anything worthwhile.  Don’t underestimate him, he’s crafty.  He could be keeping you from God’s best in subtle ways like, keeping your schedule “too busy” to read your Word.  All of the sudden when you want to study, you get sleepy.  You tell yourself that important things can be put off until tomorrow, when you know they should be done today.  The enemy is creatively making sure you never amount to much of anything. 

It’s time to open your eyes and wake up.  Get in your Word.  The Word of God will keep your mind free and serene, when you are under attack.  Do not be deceived, everyday we must prepare ourselves before we step out into the world.  We must fill up on God’s Word and digest it throughout the day.  So, next time when the enemy tells you that you that the deal you’ve been waiting for is going to fail, you can say to him, “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of mine enemies.  You honor me by anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings.”  Psalms 23:5


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