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Gaining a Fresh Perspective

I read the scriptures and in theory they all sound great..."love is patient, love is kind" 2 Corinthians 13.
"How joyful are those who fear the Lord - all who follow his ways! You will enjoy the fruit of your labor.  How joyful and prosperous you will be"  Psalm 128: 1-2.
"I tell you the truth if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done.  If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" Matthew 21:21.
Sometimes, the Word of the Lord appears too good to be true.  I can ask in your name Lord and receive it?  Okay, what's the catch? If I have faith and do not doubt.  Well, there's the issue.  Who among us doesn't have doubts?  We all have doubts, I assume.  I can pray for something but how do I know for sure, that I will receive it?  And because I feel that way, does that automatically imply doubt and now, surely I won't?  How can I learn to believe without doubting so I can receive the promises of God? 
I asked these questions and just like learning to ride a bike, I discovered it's a journey that takes practice. Nothing beats good ole practice.  Now, as we begin to step out on faith, God meets us in our journey with the strength and fortification of the Holy Spirit.  There will come a point where practice and willpower will only get you so far.  For real results, we must depend on the "YES" of the Lord through the help of the Holy Spirit.  That help is readily available and not that hard to get.  We can get that help with a simple prayer:  "Lord, I desire to walk in faith in a mightier way.  I know that I cannot believe and not doubt, without your help.  As I begin this journey to trust you more, and stand on the truth of your Word, may you come quickly to fortify my stance.  On all occasions I ask, if I give you my willingness and acknowledge that I need you, that you promise to show up and show out for me.  Would you do that for me, Lord?  I know you love me and you long to be gracious to me.  I thank you for all your help and look forward to walking with you in new faith and a fresh perspective.  In Jesus' wonderful name I pray. Amen.
Now, let us walk in the "YES" God has given us.  The Word is full of promises we can stand on, however choose one that is near to your heart that expresses the growth you desire to have in the Lord.  Focus on walking that scripture out in full assurance of faith.
For me,  I have chosen to stand on his Word that, "I am blessed because I have believed that the Lord would do what he said"  Luke 1:45.  I am going to receive the wonderful blessings God has in store for me.  I'm going to start with thanksgiving for what he's already done and approach this day with delight.  I know his goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
God bless you, my friends. 


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