So, this morning I had to reel my thoughts in several times to get through a one minute prayer. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for waking me up this morning and thank you for this day [ok, today I want to make sure I drop off the letter in the mail and wash the clothes we need for this trip] and help me to focus on you, Lord. [I'm gonna set a reminder to call Susan back later this morning (grab my phone, Facebook pops up, begin scrolling...10 minutes later) Lord, I love you, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
It's not a very productive prayer. It's not a focused prayer. It's just what seems to happen when I sit down and desire to spend time with God. I am so easily distracted. I am flooded by thoughts, to-do's, happenings of the day, that getting quiet with God for Him to speak in my life has become that challenging. And with the limited time I do have to devote to sitting down with him in the early hours of the morning, if I can't commit my thoughts, the day will catch up and I'll have to get going.
I envision myself, if I can ever get this right, sitting under a tree with my Bible and a good Christian book in hand. Looking up at the bright blue sky, chatting with my Creator/Lover/Friend. He makes me laugh. He's funny, you know. He makes me cry, in that moment, I feel overwhelmed by his love. I feel appreciative of the life he's blessed me with. I feel a calm and peace roll over me, and I could lay there forever.
1 Chronicles 22:18..."Is not the Lord your God with you? And has he not granted you rest on every side? For he has handed the inhabitants of the land over to me, and the land is subject to the Lord and his people. Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. Begin to build the sanctuary of the Lord..." David was asking the leaders to focus. Sure, there are always things to handle and work to do, but God has given you rest on every side, he has held back the enemy from advancing upon you, he has created room in your life for him. Surely, with God doing all this, we can begin to build his sanctuary, begin to build healthy spiritual habits of spending time with God, digging in and getting rooted and built up in Christ.
Be thankful that you're in the current position you are. Yes, it can always be better, but right where you are, you have room in your life for Christ. Focus and dig in. Begin to build for Christ.
It's not a very productive prayer. It's not a focused prayer. It's just what seems to happen when I sit down and desire to spend time with God. I am so easily distracted. I am flooded by thoughts, to-do's, happenings of the day, that getting quiet with God for Him to speak in my life has become that challenging. And with the limited time I do have to devote to sitting down with him in the early hours of the morning, if I can't commit my thoughts, the day will catch up and I'll have to get going.
I envision myself, if I can ever get this right, sitting under a tree with my Bible and a good Christian book in hand. Looking up at the bright blue sky, chatting with my Creator/Lover/Friend. He makes me laugh. He's funny, you know. He makes me cry, in that moment, I feel overwhelmed by his love. I feel appreciative of the life he's blessed me with. I feel a calm and peace roll over me, and I could lay there forever.
1 Chronicles 22:18..."Is not the Lord your God with you? And has he not granted you rest on every side? For he has handed the inhabitants of the land over to me, and the land is subject to the Lord and his people. Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. Begin to build the sanctuary of the Lord..." David was asking the leaders to focus. Sure, there are always things to handle and work to do, but God has given you rest on every side, he has held back the enemy from advancing upon you, he has created room in your life for him. Surely, with God doing all this, we can begin to build his sanctuary, begin to build healthy spiritual habits of spending time with God, digging in and getting rooted and built up in Christ.
Be thankful that you're in the current position you are. Yes, it can always be better, but right where you are, you have room in your life for Christ. Focus and dig in. Begin to build for Christ.
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