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The Woman I'm Meant To Be

Sometimes I’m really hard on myself.  There is a disparity between where I am and where I want to be.  I’ll never be perfect, and that’s never been my burden.  I’ve always wanted to do my best.  And I feel an incredible sense of satisfaction when I’ve given my best effort.  When you know you’ve left it all out on the field, when you’ve given it your all, when you’ve fought till your last breath.  There is a sense of peace when you live there, and I want to live there more often than not. Living there requires passion.  That’s where some get lost.  Not knowing what their passion is.  To give your all, there has to be something that you care enough about that you’ll exhaust yourself, staying up late to get it done.  You’ll wake up early to get closer to achieving it.  There isn’t anything easy about it, except loving it.  So, that’s what drives you to keep pressing toward it.  As the apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13, “Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” 

Think about the imagery these words create: Passion, Drive, Hunger, Fight.

I see a person at the end of their rope, but they still manage to push just a little bit farther.  I see sweat from their brow and a grueling look on their face as they press in a little more.  Think about the second to last scene in every hero movie when the hero is facing his greatest foe and right before he looks like he’s done, he gives his last bit of strength to defeat the enemy.  We have an enemy.  Our enemy is vicious, insidious, and unrelenting.  “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8. Does your life look like you’re in the great battle?  Are you mustering up your last bit of strength to keep the enemy in check?  Are you straining toward the prize ahead, giving your best effort to reach the goal?

Live with Passion.  Reveal your Drive.  Advance your Hunger. Show your Fight.

Why live life nonchalantly when we are more than conquerors.  Stop saying:

“I can’t kick this addiction.” 

“I can’t lose the weight.”

“I can’t pass this test.”

“It’s too hard.”

“I’m a failure.”

“I’m a loser.”

“Why try, I already know the outcome.”

“I’m scared.”

“I don’t have time.”

We’re in the second to last scene of our lives and some of us have been down too long.  The enemy’s reign should’ve been shorter, but we’ve allowed him to steal the show.  It’s time to take it back. Take your life back...if you want it.  He won't be able to stop you. 

It’s time to rise to the occasion and be the woman you were meant to be; be the man you were meant to be.  We are light. We are salt. We are conquerors.  We are royalty.  We are called.  We are God’s masterpiece.  We are victorious in Christ Jesus. 

Say It!  Claim It!  Pursue It!  Live It!

I’ll see you on the battlefield, my friends.

God bless you. 


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