Proverbs 28:23
"He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue."
All the work I put in to make sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, and trying not to be judgmental (which of course, I still shouldn't be), it's good to hear from God that it's ok to correct at times. And correcting others is not always bad.
We live in a day where inclusiveness and acceptance is the only approved stance, but not all things are acceptable. And who gets to draw that line, anyway? Those who consider themselves repressed or marginalized? Those who consider themselves persecuted?
No, I don't have to be accepted or approved by you. I know I am approved by God. And only God can judge and will judge the deeds of the righteous and the wicked. I'm not to be downright confrontational, but I don't have to be a suck-up either. My Savior never was. He was strong and gentle. He was caring and He corrected. He stood for truth and was relentless and ruthless against deceit and wickedness. He gave His life in sacrifice and in certainty that His cause was worth it. And He was not deterred from His mission.
I don't recommend getting into arguments with others thinking you are "correcting" them. Allow the Holy Spirit to gently prod your heart for times when speaking truth to someone who is willing to receive it, will be welcomed. And you don't have to go out of your way to flatter your neighbor so they will approve of you and believe you are a nice person. It's unnecessary. You are approved by God.
"He who rebukes a man will in the end gain more favor than he who has a flattering tongue."
All the work I put in to make sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, and trying not to be judgmental (which of course, I still shouldn't be), it's good to hear from God that it's ok to correct at times. And correcting others is not always bad.
We live in a day where inclusiveness and acceptance is the only approved stance, but not all things are acceptable. And who gets to draw that line, anyway? Those who consider themselves repressed or marginalized? Those who consider themselves persecuted?
No, I don't have to be accepted or approved by you. I know I am approved by God. And only God can judge and will judge the deeds of the righteous and the wicked. I'm not to be downright confrontational, but I don't have to be a suck-up either. My Savior never was. He was strong and gentle. He was caring and He corrected. He stood for truth and was relentless and ruthless against deceit and wickedness. He gave His life in sacrifice and in certainty that His cause was worth it. And He was not deterred from His mission.
I don't recommend getting into arguments with others thinking you are "correcting" them. Allow the Holy Spirit to gently prod your heart for times when speaking truth to someone who is willing to receive it, will be welcomed. And you don't have to go out of your way to flatter your neighbor so they will approve of you and believe you are a nice person. It's unnecessary. You are approved by God.
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