Daniel 1:8-9: "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show sympathy and favor to Daniel."
These 2 verses are jam packed with precious pearls, so let's get into it...
Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, which means one thing, he recognized his body was not his own. Likely since Jesus had not come yet, Daniel viewed his body as a living sacrifice. Today, we are certain that our bodies are the temple of the living God, if indeed Christ lives in you. As some of you know, I had a terrible bout with alcoholism that ruined many relationships and opportunities for me. I did not care about my body. I did not care what I was doing to it. I did not see my body as the temple of the living God. I was selfish and thought the only person I was hurting, was myself. And I was wrong. Our bodies are not our own, they belong to Christ and He has appointed you a manager over it for a short while. When the true owner returns, make sure you receive a rave review.
Daniel had "resolved." He had determined. He made his mind up. He had a line that he drew and he would not cross. I find that there are so many blurred lines in our society. Everything is okay, nothing is not okay. Everybody is alright. Everything is alright. I don't see very many lines drawn in the sand. But we should all have some for Jesus. There should be a point where you say, this is how flexible I will be - up to this point, and no more. When the Lord, responds to Job in Job 38:11, "when I said, 'this far you will come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt'. God had placed boundaries for the sea, the point where the ocean meets land and stops. I imagine every Christian has a shoreline, where their feet get a little wet. However, there is a point in our spirit, where there is a definitive line drawn and this world better not cross it. Prayerful Christians know what I'm talking about. There is so much power when we drop to our knees. Don't Play!!
Lastly, Daniel walked in the favor of God. God moved mountains for Daniel to be obedient and for Himself to get the glory. First, Daniel had to "resolve"/ determine there was a line he would not cross and then be bold in that resolution. God did the rest. I'm always impressed with what God can do with obedience. I'm sure He is searching for those who will be obedient that He can be good to. There might be officials standing in the way of your blessing, but you can ask them to move. There may be a request that you feel is unorthodox because things have always been done a certain way, but you can ask them to change it. You never know who's heart the Lord is softening or hardening to bring about your blessing and His Glory. You will never know until you resolve that there is a line that you will not cross, and ask that line to be respected, so God can move the hearts of men because of your obedience.
These 2 verses are jam packed with precious pearls, so let's get into it...
Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, which means one thing, he recognized his body was not his own. Likely since Jesus had not come yet, Daniel viewed his body as a living sacrifice. Today, we are certain that our bodies are the temple of the living God, if indeed Christ lives in you. As some of you know, I had a terrible bout with alcoholism that ruined many relationships and opportunities for me. I did not care about my body. I did not care what I was doing to it. I did not see my body as the temple of the living God. I was selfish and thought the only person I was hurting, was myself. And I was wrong. Our bodies are not our own, they belong to Christ and He has appointed you a manager over it for a short while. When the true owner returns, make sure you receive a rave review.
Daniel had "resolved." He had determined. He made his mind up. He had a line that he drew and he would not cross. I find that there are so many blurred lines in our society. Everything is okay, nothing is not okay. Everybody is alright. Everything is alright. I don't see very many lines drawn in the sand. But we should all have some for Jesus. There should be a point where you say, this is how flexible I will be - up to this point, and no more. When the Lord, responds to Job in Job 38:11, "when I said, 'this far you will come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt'. God had placed boundaries for the sea, the point where the ocean meets land and stops. I imagine every Christian has a shoreline, where their feet get a little wet. However, there is a point in our spirit, where there is a definitive line drawn and this world better not cross it. Prayerful Christians know what I'm talking about. There is so much power when we drop to our knees. Don't Play!!
Lastly, Daniel walked in the favor of God. God moved mountains for Daniel to be obedient and for Himself to get the glory. First, Daniel had to "resolve"/ determine there was a line he would not cross and then be bold in that resolution. God did the rest. I'm always impressed with what God can do with obedience. I'm sure He is searching for those who will be obedient that He can be good to. There might be officials standing in the way of your blessing, but you can ask them to move. There may be a request that you feel is unorthodox because things have always been done a certain way, but you can ask them to change it. You never know who's heart the Lord is softening or hardening to bring about your blessing and His Glory. You will never know until you resolve that there is a line that you will not cross, and ask that line to be respected, so God can move the hearts of men because of your obedience.
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