"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:5-8
This is one of my favorite bible verses. It may be thee favorite bible verse. There is something so comforting in the power and contentment, the acceptance and the position of the psalmist life. It is as if he has arrived at a place of total dependence and acceptance of wherever he is in his life. It's beautifully peaceful. Speak this scripture aloud, over your life, with where you are in mind (financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically) and see if God doesn't meet you right there where you are.
It's a 'thank you' to God. It's a 'hats off to you, Lord' kind of scripture. It's a 'oh, that you have considered me,' in all of your divvying up of things, to set aside something just for me.
David and I can't be the only ones who feel this way. Certainly, you have a delightful inheritance. The boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places for you, as well. Your portion and your cup can't be empty or lacking, terribly. Surely, there is a powerful contentment and acceptance of your position in life, if for no other reason than you are still here, still standing, and still His.
My friend, you will probably always be in pursuit of something. You will probably never be completely contented with what you have. But just take this moment to speak this scripture over your life and thank God for where you are today. Go on, read it aloud, right now...aaaahhhhh!!!!! YES! Now venture into this day with your head held high, looking up, certain in who you are and whose you are. Rooted in Jesus Christ. Contented. Delighted. At Peace.
God bless you this day!
This is one of my favorite bible verses. It may be thee favorite bible verse. There is something so comforting in the power and contentment, the acceptance and the position of the psalmist life. It is as if he has arrived at a place of total dependence and acceptance of wherever he is in his life. It's beautifully peaceful. Speak this scripture aloud, over your life, with where you are in mind (financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically) and see if God doesn't meet you right there where you are.
It's a 'thank you' to God. It's a 'hats off to you, Lord' kind of scripture. It's a 'oh, that you have considered me,' in all of your divvying up of things, to set aside something just for me.
David and I can't be the only ones who feel this way. Certainly, you have a delightful inheritance. The boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places for you, as well. Your portion and your cup can't be empty or lacking, terribly. Surely, there is a powerful contentment and acceptance of your position in life, if for no other reason than you are still here, still standing, and still His.
My friend, you will probably always be in pursuit of something. You will probably never be completely contented with what you have. But just take this moment to speak this scripture over your life and thank God for where you are today. Go on, read it aloud, right now...aaaahhhhh!!!!! YES! Now venture into this day with your head held high, looking up, certain in who you are and whose you are. Rooted in Jesus Christ. Contented. Delighted. At Peace.
God bless you this day!
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