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The American Dream?...Never heard of it!!

Since corporations and LLC’s are not a protected class of the Fair Housing Act, then yes, I can say what I’m about to say.   Homeowners, do you really want to sell your home to an LLC, or corporation?   Consider this, with the claims that you will save a “ton” of money in fees by not using a real estate agent, these business entities are not giving you the whole story.   And why would they?  You’re not asking for it and you’re not paying attention enough to see what the big picture is.

The last time someone told me cheaper, faster, more convenient, we ended up with the fast food industry boom.  Now, I’m not saying, I don’t enjoy a burger and fries as much as the next person - in my car, driving 40 mph.  I am saying history tends to repeat itself and we should just take note of what’s happening in the housing market.  The American dream has been supercharged and overdosed.  Instead of getting a stable job and owning a home to raise a family and enjoy life, people are driven by the anti-job money-making lifestyle, owning several homes, ditching the family life and getting straight into the YOLO retirement phase.

So, here we go.  You’re looking out for your family.  You want to get the most out of this opportunity, so you squeeze.  If someone tells you 6%, you search for the next one who will only ask 5% until you see the billboard that promises to do it for half of that.  Besides, you don’t “really” care who gets the home, you’re only concerned about the front end of this transaction.  Wake up!  You are both the seller and the buyer.  You are not only selling your way out of a situation, you are buying your way into another one.  And here is what no one is saying out loud – you are shaping your future economy, neighborhood, opportunity.  Corporations are more active than ever in the housing market.  They are buying up homes ya’ll, and guess what, they have the cash to kick you out of the game, if you give them the dice to roll.  The next person that complains about the dwindling middle class, but sells their home online to a corporation because they want to “save” money has pissed on their children’s future – all of our children’s futures.  So you saved $5,000, maybe (as an aside, nobody will likely work harder to secure the best deal for you than a real estate agent who likewise understands the squeeze you’re going through because they’re going through it too), but in actuality, you’re not really saving anything. 

Call your local Realtor if you want to know what happens in a bidding war.  Trust, no company is fighting for you.

My point is this, lack of true savings isn’t even the big slice of the pie – it’s OWNERSHIP.  Have you ever thought about being locked out of the American dream?  If every time a house hits the market, a corporation buys it within a day, do you think your son/daughter has a chance to compete against a multi-million dollar company, with her 20% down and conventional loan?  I’m laying it on thick, I know, and I don’t believe that’s a true reflection of our current market.  But I do believe it can be, in time.  It’s like when a shark smells blood, he goes in for the kill.  If companies begin to see the model works, they will come harder.  They will undercut to get the business.  They will promise you cheaper, faster, more convenient.  And yep, pretty soon, we’ll all be eating in our cars again.

I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just reminding you that you have options.  You get to decide who gets the house, who gets the commission, who gets the neighborhood, who gets the economy.


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