The Good News is still good.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world, so everyone
can be saved. Not just the “good” and
righteous, but everyone. Yes, salvation
is for everyone! And that is good
“How beautiful are
the feet of those who bring good news” Romans 10:15B. Though a nice pedicure can make us feel good
for a moment, it is when we rush to tell others how wonderful Jesus Christ is
that truly make our feet beautiful.
The Word says, “and how can they hear about him unless
someone tells them?” Friends, if we keep our mouths shut, and do not share the
reason for our joy with others, they may never know. And how selfish will that be on our parts –
to hoard the joy of the Lord for ourselves.
The Lord promises that if we share, he will replenish us. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not
consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”
One of the first lessons parents try to teach their growing
children is to share. And look at God,
STILL working with his adult babies, STILL trying to teach us to share. Share the Good News!
Lord, before I call my friends up to talk about what
happened on TV last night, or the drama at work, I pray that you help me to
make it a priority to tell my friends and family how amazing you have been to
me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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