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Be A Light In A Dim World

Don’t watch the news and be afraid or scared.  “You are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you” (Romans 8:37).  If anything, watch the news for an active prayer list.  Don’t watch and say “poor things,” when God is still God and still on His throne performing miracles.  As if you are without recourse.  Isn’t God available to answer your calls? Is He not still the Healer; Alpha and Omega?  Have you forgotten His marvelous works? Do you consider this age too much for God to handle? Are these troubles more potent than the ones from the olden days?

It is not for you to fear or cower or be alarmed.  For the Bible says to “make every opportunity to do good in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:15-18).  Now is not the time to hide your light when the world so desperately needs it.  Now is the time to “shine your light before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Heavenly Father” (Matthew 5:16).  People will be looking for a Savior, and what do you look like cowering and taking cover like the rest of the world when you are a child of the Most High God?  Why are you afraid?  Do you not believe His promises? That He will rescue you from destruction and disaster (Proverbs 3:25).  Surely, your God is knowledgeable about the dangers you encounter.  His eyes are on the sparrow. Surely, God watches over you.  Take God at His Word and allow His strength and courage to resonate through you.  Will you stand in these evil days?  Or will you be a coward like everybody else?  God already told you “not to conform to the customs of this world” (Romans 12:2), that includes being paranoid, worrisome, anxious, troubled by the news, or afraid from some impending danger.  Show that you are not afraid.  Show that you are not worried.  It doesn’t make you oblivious, it makes you a believer. 

So, try Him and trust Him.  Call on the name of the Lord, you will not be disappointed (Romans 5:5).  God is faithful to save you and rescue you in times of trouble.  But you have to come to the conclusion that you cannot save yourself.  That no amount of concentration, meditation, affirmation, or any “tion” will substitute for the power in the name of Jesus Christ.    


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