Reform: to make right what is wrong; amend; correct; mend; rectify; redress; remedy; right.
When things go “wrong” in our lives, we become saddened, down. We think why did that happen? You may not think, ‘Why me?’ You don’t take it personal because you understand on some level that crappy things can happen in life. It happens to all of us. Relationships break up, people get hurt, lose their jobs, accidentally step in dog poop, all kinds of unpleasant things occur on a regular basis. We cannot control that. What we can control is how we choose to act and react to these happenstances. These situations are often uncomfortable, painful, hurtful, and at the very least inconvenient. We gripe, we complain, we get upset, angry even. We ask why the pain, why the suffering?
“Because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son.” Hebrews 12:6
Analogy: Braces – The purpose of braces is to straighten your teeth. Anyone who has had braces knows how painful it can be when your teeth are shifting, moving, and correcting your smile. I had braces for a couple years. I wanted a beautiful smile so I agreed to the procedure. I understood that there would be pain involved. I knew that it would be for a short while and that it would be worth it to me. We understand the purpose of braces, so we allow ourselves to go through the pain. We submit ourselves to pain in full knowledge. We understand that the pain is only temporary so we don’t reject it or deny it’s moving when it shifts. The correction is painful. When the teeth are becoming aligned little by little, you feel every bit of the pain of the sensitivity. But we don’t ask why the pain because we know why.
Fortunately for you, the mind of God is unfathomable, not within our capacity to comprehend. He is omnipotent. He is beyond us and our scope of understanding. Trust me you should want it that way. That is why we trust Him. We believe He can help us. We believe He knows and sees more than we do. Yet we deny his moving. We reject his reform. You may be saying, "I don’t reject God." Yes, you do, we all do. Rejection can be subtle. You may not have blatantly told God no, but you still did.
For example: As women sometimes we have to tell a guy we’re not interested, but we have to soften the blow. Well some of us are blunt, while others take a more euphemistic approach. The result is the same, its still ‘No.’
So, why reject God when He’s just trying to straighten you out?
God is perfection. And when you let Him in, His essence begins to move, shape and reform you. He has created us in His image so we should look like Him. Just as children look like their parents; you should be able to see the God in me. And God is Love, forgiveness, patience, strength, power, beauty and light. He’s everything that’s good, right, pure, and true. However, what He is, we must become. We have to be straightened out.
In order to become forgiving, you have to forgive. In order to become patient, you have to show patience. The act itself is the teacher.
For example: You’re driving your car on your way home from work. It’s been a long day. You’re tired. You’re sitting at the red light, listening to your music when all of the sudden… BAM!! A car rams into you from behind. PAUSE
This scenario can play out a million different ways. But what is has done is created an opportunity, an instance for you to act. The next steps are up to you. You can choose to get upset, get out of the car, and kick the other driver’s ass. Besides, you just bought that car and you think you can take him. OR You can get out of your car; make sure the other driver is safe. You can even make a joke and say, “You must not be from ‘round here stranger. Red means stop ‘round these parts” (in an old western kind of voice). Exchange insurance info and get back in your car and head home.
We are faced with situations everyday, some more difficult than others, where we have an opportunity to choose God. Choosing God is choosing forgiveness instead of holding a grudge against a friend; choosing patience instead of getting frustrated and irritable when things don’t go as expected; choosing love instead of lashing out in anger with hurtful words or actions because you were hurt.
Everyday we are given opportunities to become more like God. And though God wants to move and reform us, He will never force us to change. We have to choose to. It may be difficult at first to choose the higher road but with all muscles, practice strengthens it. If you can choose just one situation to exercise your “God” muscle in, you will give it life and feed into the momentum. This is your most powerful muscle. Strengthening this muscle can literally turn you into The Hulk, except you’ll be fueled by love instead of anger.
Allow God to do His perfect work in you by continuing to choose Him in everyday situations. Soon, people will be saying, “You look just like your Daddy.”
“Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O Lord, and whom you teach out of your law.” Psalms 94:12 NASB
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