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Are you a Leader or a Follower?

Being a leader seems to come with its own level of power and prestige.  A leader is thought to be strong, courageous, bold, powerful and full of vision – after all, he is supposed to be leading us somewhere.  A follower, though the term lacks the same glitz and glam as leader, is ever so necessary as well.  How ever could a man lead, if there is no one to follow him?  Each position carries its own weight. 

It doesn’t matter whether you lead or follow – it matters “how” and it definitely matters “who”.  As a leader, the people who follow you are your responsibility.  Their life is being influenced by you directly.  They are looking to you for guidance and what you deposit in them will be absorbed.  Parents are leaders by definition because they have direct influence over your children; teachers over their students; Pastors over their congregations; and some friends over other friends – a leader can emerge anywhere.  A leader must be careful of his walk and talk because he is always being watched.  You are creating mini-me’s.  People who desire to model your character, your business savvy, your confidence and structure of living.  As a leader, your task is to become reputable.  You should constantly be working on being a better model and leading those you influence to better living.     

Do not think you can just sit around and wait for a leader to tell you everything to do, if your path is to follow.  You must be even more proactive than the leader.  You are in growth mode.   Yes, it is the leader who will direct you, but this is your personal journey to knowledge and wisdom.  There is much work to do.  You are following.  You should be imitating your master.  You should be actively pursuing your goals.  That is why it is so important that you have sought an immaculate person to lead you.  Who are you following?  Are you being lead by someone who hasn’t even attained what you desire?  Are they more knowledgeable than you are?  Are they worthy to be followed?  What research have you done on your mentor?  Do you have a positive, progressive mentor in your life?   If not, there is no wonder why you are lost.  You have no idea where you are going or whom you are following.  Wake up call.  If you don’t have a model for your life, a plan or a vision – get one and make it good.  Find someone who has accomplished what you are attempting and follow theirs. 

I have been both a leader and a follower; both teacher and student.  And now I am putting myself up for adoption as a mentor.  If you are looking for guidance and feel you can learn from something I have to offer, I will pour out all I know and all I am into your cup.  I am a work in progress, but at least you know there’s progress.  Contact me directly if you are interested.


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