So, this morning I had to reel my thoughts in several times to get through a one minute prayer. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for waking me up this morning and thank you for this day [ok, today I want to make sure I drop off the letter in the mail and wash the clothes we need for this trip] and help me to focus on you, Lord. [I'm gonna set a reminder to call Susan back later this morning (grab my phone, Facebook pops up, begin scrolling...10 minutes later) Lord, I love you, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. It's not a very productive prayer. It's not a focused prayer. It's just what seems to happen when I sit down and desire to spend time with God. I am so easily distracted. I am flooded by thoughts, to-do's, happenings of the day, that getting quiet with God for Him to speak in my life has become that challenging. And with the limited time I do have to devote to sitting down with him in the early hours of the morning, if I can't commit my thought...
Inspiration and Christian Living. Practical Advice and Guidance for today's issues from the Word of God. Personal anecdotes and references.