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Get A Grip, My Dear

I'm all over the place this morning.  I need Jesus, bad!  I had so much anxiety last night that I was throwing up.  Yes, disgusting, but true.  I have anxiety about work, family stuff, bills to be paid, things to be cleaned, managing my time, hopes and dreams I have.  I crawled out of bed this morning, kind of upset.  I'm a little bothered by everything on my plate.  And where is my joy?  I want to be happy!  And then you die.

Wait...what?  "Whatever you do, do well.  For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." Ecclesiastes 9:10.  Wow, where did that scripture come from?  I asked, but I already knew.  God has a way of giving us what we need, even if it is just a little perspective.

So, I'm overwhelmed with the busyness of life, praying for help, and God says, look on the bright side, at least you're alive.  When you die, poof, no errands to run!  No job to go to!  No nagging customers to listen to!  No toys to pick up! No bills to pay!  No hopes and dreams!  Kind of depressing, when you put it that way, isn't it?  Maybe, maybe not.  If you're a Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, probably not so depressing.  We know that our true reward awaits us in heaven.  Heck, this life is hard enough as a Christian, I couldn't imagine not having Jesus in my life.  Honestly, if you are not saved, or even know what that means, I suggest you reach out to any one who you think might know.  This person probably smiles a lot; is often level-headed in high-pressure situations; is usually kind (hopefully!).  Ask them to explain what being saved is and what it means to them.  Be prepared with a tissue in hand, because if we're being honest, some of us have stories of truly being rescued by Christ from a life that would've killed us.

For my brothers and sisters in Christ, we have to get a grip.  We are way too unhappy, overworked, stressed, disgruntled, mean and short-tempered.  If the person looking for knowledge on who Christ is, walks right passed you to speak to someone else, it's because they can't tell you're saved.  And  no amount of errands in the world, should put you in that state.  We have to take back our joy, our smiles, our light-heartedness, our right to laughter, peace and contentment.  We have the privilege to stop and smell the roses.  Jesus has paid the price for this privilege of ours that we so easily squander and neglect.  Some people should be worried, but it ain't us.  Ecclesiastes 9:10 shouldn't be depressing, it should be liberating.  So, whatever you do, do it well.  And by gosh, put a smile on your face.


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