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Stop Rushing - You Can Miss Your Blessing

God's Wisdom:  This is what the Holy Spirit lead me to write down after an encounter with a nice older lady in the building.  I was going to check the mail, when she steps from around the corner and asked me where the clubhouse was.  I pointed around the corner, but said, "It's closed on Sundays.  You can still get to the gym if you want though."  Then she asked about our gate to the community.  "How come some people can wave at the gate and get in, and I have to put in a code?"  I explained that if you live here, you should have a gate key for quick access.  As I continued to chat with her, I found out that she was staying in an Air bnb in our complex and rented it out for a month while looking for a home to buy.  She was from California.  As a Realtor, I jumped right on that and asked  if she was working with anyone already.  She said 'Yes', but was so delighted with me and my conversation, that we talked for an additional 5 minutes.  Though I didn't get a new client, I received something that will bring me many clients - AFFLUENT PEOPLE HAVE SPACE IN THEIR LIVES, BREATHING ROOM.  They have time for that random conversation at the coffee shop or in the grocery store.  They have the time to connect with people and spark up conversations that potentially lead to opportunities.

Why is this important to understand?  If we are rushing all the time, how can we meet a new client organically at the park?  Could it be, the very thing we are praying for couldn't get one minute of our time because we never even bothered to look up from our phone?  It was there, we missed it.  As we cram so much into our day, thinking we are being "more productive," God is saying to us, "I have answered your prayers, but you won't even pause for a minute to see that I have." 

Stop rushing through life thinking, 'I'm killing this to-do list.'  The only thing you are killing is your under-nourished soul.  Not only do we have to trust God to bring good things into our lives, we also have to create space/room to receive them. Will you slow down enough to let God give you your heart's desires?  Psalm 23:6 says, "Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  Goodness and love are following us! Wow!  Can we slow down to let it catch up? 

God sets divine appointments.  Stay close to Him and there is no opportunity that'll pass you by.  He'll make sure you meet that special woman or man.  He'll make sure the right candidate for the job comes along.  He'll make sure the right opportunity presents itself right when you need it.  He orders our steps and delights in every detail of  our lives.  With all the planning and running around, I doubt I could ever out-produce God.  Spinning my wheels in Real Estate, I may be able to talk to 10 people today and introduce myself, and ask for their business.  And maybe, I get one serious client from all that. But God, can cause me to be in line at the grocery store behind a person looking to sell their home but can't seem to find a Realtor they'd like to work with.  What?!?  Here I am!  All my toiling is for nothing.  The Bible says, in Psalm 127, "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.  In vain, you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for while they sleep he provides for those he loves." 

Friend, this is not a call to be lazy, sit back and do nothing.  There are plenty of verses in the Bible that tells you a lazy person wants much, but acquires nothing.  No, this is a reminder of where your blessings truly come from.  Don't lose sleep thinking, 'How am I going to make this happen?'  You don't make anything happen.  Let that fact sink in and put you at ease.  Let it give you freedom from worry and despair.  God is, was, and always will be ordering your steps.  Psalm 33:10 states, "The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.  But the  plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations."  Make room for Him to deposit something wonderful in your life, to answer your prayer, to get you closer to what He has for you.  Wake up earlier so you're not rushing to and from.  Plan time to do things and give it some breathing room for the Breather of Life to do something magnificent with that occasion.  How much richer our lives would be if they were filled with a bunch of divine appointments.

Memorize: Psalm 34:8-10.


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