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What must we do to be saved?

Then they asked him, "what must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "the work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."  John 6:28.

Always trying to figure out a way to be saved.  We never believe that we can get all the benefits of God by just believing.  There must be something more.  What do we have to do? We ask.  Where does God want us to go? What does God want us to accomplish for Him?  How can I put myself in position to receive His goodness?  What do I need to change? What am I doing wrong?  All very good questions for a time of self-reflecting and to ensure we are leading progressive and productive lives.  Yet, they are not what's needed to do the work God has for us to do.

It isn't that God does not have work for us to do, because He does.  "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Ephesians 2:10.  Often times, we are unsure of how we are going to accomplish the things God has in store for us.  We tell God, "That's too much for me to handle."  We feel  a prompting in our spirit to do a kind deed or speak a gentle word to a stranger and we freeze up.  We question, Lord, is that what you're asking me to do?  Perhaps we feel we don't have the right personality type for ministry.  We lack in an area where God may be asking us to step up.

My friends, there is nothing more that we need to do.  We are in the best shape of our lives right here today.  We are designed with our destinies in mind and fitted with the right stuff to accomplish what God created us to accomplish.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made, each of us.  The requirement is much simpler than any of us are willing to accept.  We have been told that nothing will come to us without hard work; no pain no gain; or only through blood, sweat and tears.  Even when someone wants to give us something, we are skeptical.  We wonder if this gift comes with strings attached.
Nobody gets something for nothing.

With all the non-sense we are told, I can understand why we hesitate to receive the free gift in Jesus Christ that God has strategically ordered to give us.  In His Sovereignty, God designed a master plan to grant us complete reconciliation to Himself - no strings attached.  And what could you do for the creater of the universe?  What do you give one who owns everything?  I tell you the truth, you can give Him your faith.  You can trust God and it pleases Him that you do.  You can believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and it delights Him and puts a smile on His face.   God has asked that in all that we do for Him, the one thing that is a must, not a maybe, is to "believe in the one he has sent."


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