Proverbs 4:25 “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” We all need a plan in life. Even if it’s just a 1,2, or 3 year plan we need something to keep us focused and to keep us motivated in the morning. Some have already found their calling and are actively pursuing their dreams. Most of us are still searching for something that feels just right to us and we haven’t quite stumbled upon or discovered it yet. That’s ok. I felt like I was being left behind as I saw family and friends get married, have children, buy homes, start their dream career, and travel to places I’ve only dreamed of. I wanted to be there or at least on the right path. Why hadn’t I discovered a passion and drive for myself? Why couldn’t I discover my dreams and start pursuing them ...
Inspiration and Christian Living. Practical Advice and Guidance for today's issues from the Word of God. Personal anecdotes and references.