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A thank you goes a long way

“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.”Psalms 50:23

Lord you are worthy to be praised.  All of the thanks that this individual can muster is still not enough compared to the things you have done, the sacrifices you have made for me. I thank you that I am not perfect, nor do you expect me to be.  I thank you that I don’t have all the answers because what would life be if it wasn’t an adventure?  I thank you that I’m amazing, even with all my flaws and quirks.  I thank you that I’m more than getting by, that I’m immersed in your blessings day by day.  I thank you that I’m beautiful, that when people compliment me they are really seeing your light that shines through me.  I thank you that I’m scared sometimes, because it causes me to run to you and seek your refuge.  I thank you for your mercy, because you shield me from my own destruction.  I thank you for your patience, because even though I am not where I should be, I am always in your care.  I thank you for your protection because every day I make it home safely.  I thank you for your gentleness ,because it helps me to be kinder to others despite the situation.  “I thank you for your Son – a gift too wonderful for words!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)  I thank you that you hear me when I call you, and even more so, that you’re delighted when I do.  I thank you that everything is going to be alright, for no other reason than that you are God alone.  I thank you for my tears for you are closest to me then, you feel my pain.  I thank you that whenever I feel alone, I never really am – you will never leave me nor forsake me.  I thank you that you are so easy to please, that I never have to earn your love andthat I could never lose it.

This is my sacrifice to you.  I love you Daddy.

Marleen K. Owens


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