Whenever I start to question whether or not I have made the right decision to write, speak and lead...or whether I am worthy or deserving, capable even to bring the vision to pass...whenever I get ovewhelmed and anxious - I close my eyes and breathe deeply, concentrating on breathing deeper still and I get in touch with my life force. And then I see even clearer that there is no other way. Destiny or Death. And then no other questions need to be asked because I know at the core of my being that I was designed for greatness. I have tried on many shoes and no other shoe fits me. -MKO
Do you remember when you first learned your ABC's? In order to memorize them, we sang songs, wrote them down, did picture associations, and drowned ourselves in the alphabets until we had it down. We played with letter blocks. Everywhere we turned, someone was trying to show us an alphabet. Sound this word out. What letter does "airplane" start with? If you have young children right now, this is likely on today's agenda. Why do we do this? Because we want to learn it, know it, and have it be a part of our natural understanding. I've been a Christian a long time, but I realize that I have to approach the word of God with the same diligence as I did when learning the alphabets. I have to study it, say it out loud, memorize it, hear it back, make word associations, revere it and spend time in it. Why? Because I want to learn it, know it and have it be a part of my natural understanding - how I process the world I live in. ...
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